What is Citizenship?

Over time, citizenship by birth became the accepted norm in most civilized society. Contrast this to societies that tried to define citizenship through ancestry; Nazi Germany, and most Arab states come to mind. Using lineage to define citizenship is a one-way ticket to some of the most horrible excesses in history.

A Tale of Two Stories

An article on the website Moms, Study Shows That Kids Get Their Smart Brains From Their Moms presents itself as an argument in support of women. I am sure that the writer Kelli Murray must have even felt she was empowering women through this article. The Hidden Brain podcast has an interesting episode this week … Continue reading A Tale of Two Stories

Do I Dislike Modi?

I am asked this question so many times that I am tired of answering it repeatedly. So here is a one-time response. Not liking someone’s policies does not mean I dislike the person. It just means I dislike the policy. In the same vein, just because I dislike someone, it doesn’t automatically mean I dislike … Continue reading Do I Dislike Modi?

The church v/s the cycling club

All around the world, church leaders lament the reducing number of people attending church. Anecdotally I see the same with Hinduism. To understand this phenomenon, we need to look at the role of the church in our communities. Two generations ago, it was rare for a person to leave his place of birth and move … Continue reading The church v/s the cycling club